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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Well, we're getting started..

If you've found this blog, thanks!

What I'm doing is building a fairly large HOn30 layout in my train room. I model in 2 scales, N scale and HOn30. I am a member of a large club that already has an N scale layout, so I decided to build a narrow gruage layout instead of an N one. Nothing like something a little different!

Since I am basing the layout on a Caribbean island, most of the model will be freelanced or based off models from Central and South America. That region has a long history of railroads, both standard and narrow guage. Equipment came from all over as well as home built.

One of the main reasons to model narrow guage is the ammount of room that's not required for the layout. I have a 16' x 11' room. I plan 3 levels, with trains running from the water front to the higher elevations. Trains will be both steam and diesel powered and haul a variety of trains.

Right now, I have several pieces of equipment in various stages of construction. I'm also working on the first sectin of the layout, the main shops area of the FdT. So stay tuned for more pictures and info!

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