
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Crane and something new..

Work continues (in fits and spurts) on the Fallberg depot.

I built the crane for the dock. It's a nice little model that will need some detail. The undercoat is Mineral Brown, then a coat of Ammo Chipping solution and then Medium Yellow. The Chipping solution allows you to flake off the paint with a wet paint brush after it has had a chance to dry. I've got the base of it done, just not photographed. I'm going to apply rust and some other washes to it next.

I also got a new toy. I've been considering a fine airbrush for some time and have been looking at alot of the major brands. Iwata, Badger and others were considered. But for the last 30+ years, I've used Paasche airbrushes with no complaints. Parts are easy to get, they are made here in the USA and I've sprayed all sorts of paints with them.

I have had a H model external mix model for all of those 30+ years. I'm on my second one (the first died a horrible death) and it'll spray anything. I bought the Millennium when they released it for acrylics. It too is a work horse. Easy to get a fine spray with.

My new brush is a Talon. Made to do very fine lines. It came with three spray head/needles (0.25, 0.33 and 0.66mm) and a fan cap for wider spray. Best part is there was no need to swap airhoses or buy adapters. And for $100, well worth it. I'm getting used to it but it is very nice!

Okay, enough yaking. I'm gonna go get a couple of washes on the crane before bedtime.

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