
Saturday, August 27, 2022

Dusting off the HOn30 stuff!

I've been away from HOn30 for awhile now. I still have the On3 boxcar I'm building as well as some HOn3 kits and parts that I've gathered as well. The On3 car will probably get finished and sold. The HOn3 stuff will go as well. Finding good power for them is hard and $$$. 

Which brings me back to HOn30. Besides being able to get N scale chassis that run good, I have a good supply of parts for more equipment. One thing I was thinking about when I set up the photo below is the length of equipment. 

That tank car is about 28 feet. The gons are around 25 feet, but that monster boxcar is 36 feet! On an 11 inch radius it looks like a whale! 

So, with this done, I've figured that 30 foot is really a good size for most cars. Since I plan to scratchbuild and cast my own cars based on steel prototypes, I can settle for what I want that will work. 

So here we go! Stay tuned for more!