
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Change change change...

Man, almost an entire year since I posted anything. But life does get in the way. The job I took last year has kept me busy. Getting into unplugged woodworking has also been taking up time, along with the garden. Then, my first grandson showed up Dec 1st.

So, it's time to get back into modeling. I moved my bench into a closet set up to make my office bigger. After measuring the work space I use, I figured out that when I'm building I use a 24" x 30" space. Everything else is storage. So, I've made a 25" by 36" bench to build on. All the parts, glues and whatnot go above on shelves. The paint booth is next to the bench. Here's a picture of it after getting everything done this weekend..

Right now modeling is going to be split between railroads and plastic models (modern US Mil hardware, big rigs and EMS) I have plans to start a shelf layout this spring as well. I'm leaning more towards an N scale industrial layout, but I haven't given up on narrow gauge just yet.

More to come when I get further along..