
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

New diesels..

So I'm working on some power for the FdT. On the deck now is a pair of end cab switchers, built onto a pair of N scale MP-15 chassis with DCC. Good running engines, so these should work well for yard and local power. Here's a shot of the chassis.

I'm working on the cabs and hoods now.

I also went out to the Des Moines GTE this last weekend. For a guy who's been to a bunch of west coast shows, the Midwest was a big change. No junk vendors, lots of good stuff and some hard to find items. Got some more 20 foot containers and found a fellow from Green Bay that sells sheet stryene in different sizes for good prices. Like almost half of Evergreen.

JMD Plastics is the company name. John the owner is a GB&W modeler and will ship sheet stryene all over. I got a big pile for $16, enough to build just about all the steel boxcars I want for the layout. If you want 1 or 2 sheets, it will be pricey, but if you want 1' x 8' sheets or a pile of 1' x 2' .020" sheet, he has really good prices. He also does black stryene as well.

Several vendors also had Blackstone equipment out there, just to tease with. I really wish they would stop. If I wind up in a different house with a proper basement, it will be hard to not convert everything to HOn3..

Okay, back to work on the diesels..

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Painted and weathered Railbus..

She's almost ready for service....

I used Vallejo washes and some homebrew washes for the finish. I may add a little more, but she's got a decent used look to her. Now I need to add a trailer to her.

Working area..

I took this photo this morning for a thread on Model Railroad Hobbiest and it got me to thinking that it's time to start cleaning up this joint. So, since I'm off due to not wanting to skid all over getting to work today (5-8 inches of snow expected here), I'm gonna clean it up. I also need to finish a couple of projects that are waiting. One is the bus, which is sitting there now. Another is a pair of 1/25th fire trucks that need for me to get off my rear and finish.

I've also priced out the materials for my starting point on the layout. So with luck, I'll pick them up next weekend and get started. I've also found the power units for my small switchers in HOn30, so that's a project I'll start. Then there's the moving of the bench and desk to make room for the other bench. Gonna be a long day....

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Railbus update..

Okay, got my yardwork out of the way this afternoon (shoveling snow) so I could spend the rest of the day working on the railbus. I've got the platform on the top finished. Here's a couple of shots of her..

The rack is all out of scale styrene. The ladder stock is the Evergreen kit. I figured wider ladders would be easier to climb with a chicken under your arm. The rack looks rough and homemade, which is what I'm looking for. Now to build the trailer for her. About the same length, with a half boxcar/half flatcar look.